
Ever since I first read about semantic versioning, I've thought of it as a neat idea. But only recently did it occur to me that what I liked about the idea was its goal, much less its execution (more on that below). What made it obvious was this lengthy discussion about breaking changes introduced in v1.7 of underscore.js without an accompanying major version bump.

Even though I still think sticking to semver is the right thing to do if your community of users expects you to (even if you don't personally like the system), I am convinced there are fundamentally better ways of dealing with the problem of safely and consistently updating dependencies.

It made me want to add my two cents to the discussion, as someone who's more of a dabbler in programming and not really part of the community, so feel free to ignore me :) I attach my commentary below for reference (it's virtually the same text as in the link above).


semver is trying to do the right thing, but doing it wrong -- instead of implicitly encoding severity of change information in version numbers, explicit keywords like :patch, :potentially-breaking or :major-api-change would make much more sense.

More verbosely

I've always found the goals of semver worthy, but this thread has made me realize that while its aims are commendable, its methods are kind of broken:

  1. semver tries to take an existing semiotic system (= version numbers), which has developed informally and is therefore a loose convention rather than an exact spec, and reinterpret it in terms of an exact spec (or impose that spec on it). trouble is, the prior informal meaning won't go away so easily (why should it?), especially for projects that have been around longer than semver. the problem then is, since the two systems (the informal one and semver) look the same in terms of their symbolic representation, it's hard to guess which one you're dealing with by just eyeballing the version number of a library (or project in general).

    it's like if someone decided that "f*ck" should mean "orchid" from now on, because it's nicer -- on hearing the word, you'd never know if it's being used as the original profanity, or in its new meaning. homonymy is a pain to deal with when it's accidental (cf. NLP), so why introduce it on purpose? the job that semver set out to do should be fulfilled by a new formal means which is instantly recognizable, not by hijacking an existing one and overlaying additional interpretation on it and thus making it ambiguous.

  2. even if version numbers hadn't existed before semver, they're terribly inadequate for the purpose of conveying information about the severity of changes introduced by an update (though I understand their appeal to mathematically-minded people). they're inadequate because they're implicit -- it's a bit like if someone decided they don't need hash maps because they can make do with arrays by remembering the order in which they're adding in the key-val pairs. if I remember the order, then I know which key the given index implicitly refers to, and the result is as good as a hash map, isn't it?

    except it isn't. keys are useful because they have explicit semantics, making it instantly clear what kind of value you're retrieving. in the same way, encoding the information about the severity of changes into version numbers makes it implicit (in addition to being ambiguous, as stated previously). why not use explicit keyword tags along with the version number (which can be romantic, semantic -- whichever floats the dev team's boat and best reflects the progress of the project) to give a heads up as to the nature of the update? e.g. :patch, :potentially-breaking, :major-api-change etc.

    granted, even language is a code which needs to be learned, like semver (gross oversimplification here, but let's not get into the details of language acquisition), but since it's widely established and conventionalized for conveying the kinds of meanings semver is trying to convey, why not just use it when it's available? why use a system (version numbers) which is less well-suited to the purpose and ambiguous to boot?

    (on the other hand, numbers are eminently well-suited for keeping track of which version is newer than which and how much so -- the original purpose of version numbering -- because they are designed to have orderings defined on them. by contrast, words would do a terrible job at this. if you care to indicate the evolution of your codebase, you might introduce your own disciplined romantic or sentimental versioning scheme, which ironically is a more meaningful and ergo semantic way of doing versioning than semver, because it sticks to the conventional semantics of numbers (the closer the numbers, the more similar the versions). if you don't care about this, which is perfectly fine, you might as well use dates for version numbers.)

keyword tags have the advantage that they're instantly human-readable by anyone who has a basic command of English. if there is sufficient will in the community, a useful subset can be frozen in a binding spec, so that they are machine-readable as well.

I'm not sure whether these keywords should be an appendix to the version number (like v2.3.4-:potentially-breaking), or whether the information they provide should be more extensive and included in a formalized preamble to the changelog (finally forcing people to at least take a glance at it ;) ). using the latter approach, the information provided could be (optionally) even more targeted, e.g. detailing explicitly which parts of the API are affected in a non-backwards compatible manner by the update.

anyways, just a few ideas :) I am not primarily a coder, so there may be obvious drawbacks to this scheme that I can't see or which have already been discussed by the community on multiple occasions which have escaped my attention. in which case, please bear with me and excuse my lack of sophistication.


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