R has been gaining traction as a language for data analysis. My feelings about the whole ecosystem are mixed -- it has some incredibly well-designed libraries and a top-of-the-game IDE, but the core language makes me cringe (it feels like "Perl and Lisp: The Worse Parts"). Be that as it may, it has undeniably become the go-to programming language for many people for whom programming is not their main breadwinner, many linguists among them. If you're one of these people and wondering whether it's worth undergoing the cognitive burden of learning another language and having to context-switch between them, read on!

The main problem with R and large data is of course that R is fast as long as you can load everything into memory at once and use vectorized operations. The whole point of this post is that with the current size of a typical corpus, you often can't do that. You'll have to process the corpus line by line, which means using a for-loop, and these are notoriously slow in R. I'm not pretending this is some new discovery (it's not), I'm just trying to quantify how problematic this slowness is for processing large quantities of text (prohibitive, in my opinion), so that you don't have to figure it out for yourself and can get started learning Python 3 right away instead ;)

(Another big problem is that R doesn't have an efficient and versatile hash table data structure.)


If you're planning to process corpora of hundreds of millions of tokens or more -- spoiler alert, you probably shouldn't do it in R.


OK, I've specifically complained about R being bad at for-loops and hashes. Let's devise a task that'll show exactly how bad. At the same time, I don't mean to come up with anything particularly convoluted or far-fetched. So here goes: we'll be trying to build a per-part-of-speech frequency distribution of lemmas (dictionary headword forms) from a 120M-token corpus. If you've ever done any linguistic data analysis, I hope you'll agree it's a pretty basic and common task.

The corpus data consists of lines with tab-separated word form, lemma and tag fields, plus some additional lines with metadata which do not contain tabs. We'll be skipping those. Here's a glimpse of the corpus format:

WORD     LEMMA    TAG -->
Hladina  hladina  NNFS1-----A-----
jezera   jezero   NNNS2-----A-----
,        ,        Z:--------------
mrtvá    mrtvý    AAFS1----1A-----
a        a        J^--------------
černá    černý    AAFS1----1A-----
,        ,        Z:--------------

The first character of the tag indicates the part of speech. For each part of speech, we want to create a separate frequency distribution, i.e. we want to be able to say, for instance, the most frequent noun is X, followed by Y, whereas the most frequent adjective is Z etc. This should nicely exercise all of R's weak spots. Let's get to it!

R: 1 day (!) / 15 hours (see EDIT below, but still !)

After quite some exploration of various alternatives for the individual subtasks, this is the program that I came up with:


# read input from STDIN
con <- file("stdin", open="rt")

pos_sets <- hash()
start <- Sys.time()
while (TRUE) {
  line <- readLines(con, n=1)
  if (length(line) == 0) {
  # lines with tokens (as opposed to metadata) contain tabs
  if (stri_detect_fixed(line, "\t")) {
    # individual token attributes are tab-separated
    attrs <- stri_split_fixed(line, "\t")
    # for each token, we're interested in the lemma (headword)...
    lemma <- attrs[[1]][2]
    # ... and the part-of-speech, which is the first character of the tag
    tag <- attrs[[1]][3]
    pos <- stri_split_boundaries(tag, n=2, type="character")[[1]][1]
    # build a per-part-of-speech frequency distribution as a nested hash:
    # {
    #   "noun": {
    #     "cat": 5,
    #     "dog": 3,
    #     ...
    #   },
    #   "verb": {
    #     "look": 2,
    #     ...
    #   },
    #   ...
    # }
    if (is.null(pos_sets[[pos]])) {
      pos_sets[[pos]] <- hash()
    if (is.null(pos_sets[[pos]][[lemma]])) {
      pos_sets[[pos]][[lemma]] <- 1
    } else {
      pos_sets[[pos]][[lemma]] <- pos_sets[[pos]][[lemma]] + 1

# report running time
diff <- Sys.time() - start
cat(sprintf("Done in %g %s.\n", diff, units(diff)), file=stderr())

Given the input corpus mentioned above, this code takes 1.33 days to run. Compared to other languages one might conceivably use (see below), this is just ridiculous.

Now, I'm certainly not an expert in R, so there may be better ways of doing some of this. But I doubt such improvements, if any, would be of any practical relevance, because even reducing the running time to a tenth of the original duration wouldn't be enough. And if there is a way to go even further, say to a hundredth, which would begin to make R competitive, then I would argue that a language which lets you shoot yourself so spectacularly in the foot performance-wise if you're not hip to some clever tricks should just be avoided for tasks where said performance matters.

EDIT: Replacing stri_split_boundaries(tag, n=2, type="character")[[1]][1] above with stri_sub(tag, from=1, to=1), you can cut the running time down to 15 hours. That's still way too much in comparison with the competitors, and just reinforces one of the points made below: there's often no default and efficient way of doing some basic operations (like string manipulation) in R.

This is in great part due to R's emphasis on vectorization, which leads to a proliferation of subtly different functions designed for doing subtly different kinds of vectorized passes over data. Good luck trying to remember them all. And if you pick the wrong one (cf. stri_split_boundaries() vs. stri_sub()) -- because there are just too many similar ways of achieving the same result and too much documentation to read before you even begin to see what you should use -- you get penalized heavily. This is very programmer-unfriendly design.

Contrast this with the Zen of Python: "There should be one -- and preferably only one -- obvious way to do it."

With these general considerations out of the way, let's look at some details of how to implement this task in R. In many cases, it's unclear how you should even approach the problem in R, due to missing or confusing built-in functionality. As a result, in addition to having a lousy running time on this task, R also puts a strain on the programmer's time.

Reading the data

This sounds so basic it should be obvious, right? Not so fast.

First of all, the file("path/to/file") function creates a file connection, which is however not open unless you also specify a mode in the open= argument, or alternatively, unless you call the open() function on the connection. Why you would want to create a connection that's not open is beyond me, but R adds insult to injury by allowing readLines() to work on a closed connection: it just opens the connection before doing the reading and closes it afterwards. This means that repeated calls to readLines(unopened_connection, n=1) will repeatedly read the first line of the file, which is most likely not what you want. This is API design level PHP.

Second, the corpus is gzip compressed, so you'll need to uncompress it. There are basically two options:

  1. have an external program (zcat) do the decompression and pipe the data into R via STDIN
  2. handle the decompression within R itself

As a general rule (for any language), it will always be faster to handle the decompression in a different process on a multi-core system, because the tasks can proceed in parallel.1 On the other hand, it's more portable not to depend on external programs, and R does have a built-in function to open a connection to a gzipped file, namely gzfile(). Based on tests on shorter inputs, it's about 50% slower than external decompression, which is a somewhat worse performance deterioration than e.g. Python 3 (40% based on the full input). In light of the already dire running time, it's something we can't really afford.

Third, having to do the line-by-line reading in a while (TRUE) loop, using a function called readLines() (note the plural) with an argument of 1, checking the length of the resulting character vector in order to determine the end of the input -- that's just gross.

String manipulation

R has built-in functions for string matching (grepl() et al.), not so much for string splitting. This is the point where I got suspicious of the performance of everything and started testing alternatives. I finally ended up using the stringi package, which is fast and has a fairly consistent API. stringr is a set of higher-level wrappers around it, which have however proven somewhat slower than the built-ins in my highly informal testing.

O hash map, where art thou?

Building a per-part-of-speech frequency distribution of headwords requires an appropriate data structure. As indicated in the comments in the R source, we want to build a nested collection that looks something like this:

  "noun": {
    "cat": 5,
    "dog": 3,
  "verb": {
    "look": 2,

The requirements on the data structure we need are the following:

  1. it's a collection
  2. strings can be used as keys
  3. it can be arbitrarily nested
  4. key lookup is fast, i.e. constant time

In other words, we need a hash (or a dict, in Python terminology). R doesn't have a hash (I'll qualify this statement in a bit).

The workhorse data structure in R that satisfies points 1--3 is a list. Unfortunately, it has linear access time. That's not going to work.

R also has environments, which it uses to store and access variables. Under the hood, environments are implemented as hashes, but using them as such is a massive pain, because their API isn't meant for it. Fortunately, there's a wrapper package which makes it more convenient. Unfortunately, environments weren't optimized with this use case in mind. They were designed to hold key--value (variable name--variable value) pairs explicitly defined by people as part of their programs, not millions of items extracted from data. As a result, they slow down dramatically once the number of items grows large.

(The article in the previous link provides a survey of the state of the art of fast key lookup in R. The state of the art is... dismal. Your only option is basically indexing a data table, which is fine for a finalized data set, but useless when building the data set -- you can't afford to reindex after each new data point.)

There's also the hashmap library, which is a wrapper around C++ Boost hashes. However, it doesn't do nesting, so it's of no use to us, and of very limited usefulness in general.

Conclusion: technically, we have to concede that R has hashes, but for all practical intents and purposes, it doesn't.

There's one last twist, though. Funnily enough, in our use case, it turns out it doesn't really matter anyway. Indeed, it seems the performance of for-loops in R is so egregiously bad that it dwarfs even the inefficiencies accrued by the linear lookup time of lists: if you reimplement the script with lists, it takes just a little longer than the version with hashes, about 1.36 days.

(Or maybe it's just that the performance of environment-based hashes becomes so bad when they grow large as to be comparable with that of lists? Who knows, and frankly, I don't care enough to want to find out. If it's the for-loops though, then adding efficient hashes to R won't really solve anything.)

EDIT: With stri_sub() substituted for stri_split_boundaries() as detailed above, the code using lists runs in about 1.28 days, which is a much smaller improvement than in the case of the code using hashes (1.33 days → 15 hours).


If you like R and your reaction to this is, "That's not fair! R was never meant to do any of this, that's why everything feels so backhanded." -- then good, that's basically the gist of this post: don't use R for something it wasn't meant to do.

What are the alternatives, then?


The following details an informal test comparing the speed of R, Python 3, Rust and Perl at processing a large corpus file (~120M tokens, 1.5GB gzipped) and creating a frequency distribution of headwords per part-of-speech. The idea is to see whether R is a viable alternative in this domain, or whether the slowing down caused by the inability to use vectorized computations (because we can't load the entire thing into memory at once) will just be too much.

Python 3: 5 minutes

Yes, that's right. It takes Python 3 5 minutes to do the same task that took R over a day. The code feels a lot simpler too:

import sys
import time

def main():
    pos_sets = {}
    start = time.time()
    for line in sys.stdin:
        if "\t" in line:
            _, lemma, tag, _ = line.split("\t", maxsplit=3)
            pos = tag[0]
            # this is an intentionally naive implementation which mimicks
            # the R code and something an inexperienced coder might do;
            # a more concise and probably better performing solution could
            # be achieved using dict.setdefault() or collections.defaultdict
            # / collections.Counter
            if pos not in pos_sets:
                pos_sets[pos] = {}
            if lemma not in pos_sets[pos]:
                pos_sets[pos][lemma] = 1
                pos_sets[pos][lemma] += 1

    diff = time.time() - start
    print(f"Done in {diff:.0f} seconds.", file=sys.stderr)

if __name__ == "__main__":

FYI, this was run using Python 3.6. As a rule, use always the most recent version of Python 3 you can (at least 3.5, 3.4 in a pinch; with earlier releases, you may encounter performance issues). In any case, do not use Python 2 for new projects and let it end-of-life in peace.

Perl: 13 minutes

Perl used to be a popular alternative for text processing. Like R, it has its fair share of nauseating language design and weird quirks, but since it was actually meant for use in this domain, it won't spectacularly let you down.

(Unless your data is silently corrupted because you handled text encoding wrong. Perl's behavior in this respect is a relict of a pre-UTF-8-everywhere past, and it's the single biggest reason for why the language should be put out of its misery already.)

Here's the code:

use strict;
use utf8;
use open qw(:std :encoding(utf8));

my $start = time();
my %pos_sets = ();
while (<>) {
  if (/\t/) {
    my @attrs = split /\t/;
    my $lemma = @attrs[1];
    my $tag = @attrs[2];
    my $pos = substr $tag, 0, 1;
    # auto-vivification: ergonomic, but also made possible by the whole
    # "implicit defaults that have a potential of screwing stuff up
    # without you even knowing about it" culture of Perl
    $pos_sets{$pos}{$lemma} += 1;
my $diff = time() - $start;
print STDERR "Done in $diff seconds.\n";

Bottom line though, being more than twice as slow as Python 3 (which came as a surprise to me, I must admit) and definitely the worse language, it has little to recommend itself if you're considering to learn a new language for this type of task.

Except maybe if you want to continuously log what the program is doing to a terminal -- like output the number of lines processed after each line. Perl is clearly very efficient at writing to a terminal, the running time is basically the same with continuous logging incorporated. By contrast, Python 3 takes about three times longer (~ 15 minutes).

(I guess maybe Python flushes output after each print() call, whereas Perl does some smart buffering which results in it not being slowed down by the latency of the terminal...? Who knows, at any rate, it's hardly a "killer" feature.)

Rust: 1.25 minutes

As a compiled, systems-level language, Rust is in a different league compared to the previous contestants: of course it's going to be faster. I included it because it provides a frame of reference. The important takeaway is that we're in the same ballpark with Python 3 (roughly units of minutes), so there's no pressing need to turn to a compiled language for this task.

Here's the code, for completeness sake:

use std::io;
use std::io::prelude::*;
use std::collections::HashMap;
use std::time;

type LemmaCount = HashMap<String, i32>;
type PosSet = HashMap<char, LemmaCount>;

fn main() {
    let start = time::SystemTime::now();
    let mut pos_sets = PosSet::new();
    let stdin = io::stdin();
    for line in stdin.lock().lines() {
        let line = line.unwrap();
        if line.contains("\t") {
            let mut attrs = line.split("\t").skip(1).take(2);
            let lemma = attrs.next().unwrap();
            let tag = attrs.next().unwrap();
            let pos = tag.chars().take(1).next().unwrap();
            let pos_set = pos_sets.entry(pos).or_insert(LemmaCount::new());
            let count_for_lemma = pos_set.entry(String::from(lemma)).or_insert(0);
            *count_for_lemma += 1;
    let diff = start.elapsed().unwrap().as_secs();
    println!("Done in {:.0} seconds.", diff);

Note in passing how nicely the Rust code reads for a compiled language. Of course, since it's a much stricter (and safer) language than Python, it's more ceremonious to write and the APIs are more complicated, because they have to adhere to the various memory management guarantees Rust gives you (among other things). But once the code is written, it's very readable and clear. And all necessary functions and data structures are (a) available in the standard library, and (b) plenty efficient.


Just to be clear: the ultimate purpose of this post is not bashing R (not for being slow at text munching, at any rate); it's to give a convincing account of why it's just not the right tool for the job. And not in a small way, either -- in a way that requires to learn a different tool, there's no way around it. Let me reiterate that my recommendation would hands down be Python 3.

Once the data is extracted, go back to R by all means. Although Python does have a fairly nice high-level data analysis library, it's not my intention to discourage anyone from using R for what it is good at, especially if this is a skill they are already proficient in.

The internet is full of people asking advice on which programming language to learn, and the answers are invariably evasive -- it depends on your tastes, what fits your brain better, what your use case is. In the hopes that some people might find opinionated guidance useful for a change (I know I personally often do, when flirting with a new language): if you're looking to process large quantities of text data, the answer is a big, resounding NOT R!

A vectorized postscript

Since I ran these on a server with 64 GB of RAM, I figured I might as well try loading everything into memory in R and doing it the proper, vectorized way, while I'm at it. Here's the code, using dplyr:


start <- Sys.time()

con <- file("stdin", open="rt")
corpus <- readLines(con)

diff <- Sys.time() - start
cat(sprintf("Corpus read in after %g %s.\n", diff, units(diff)))

corpus <- stri_subset_fixed(corpus, "\t")
corpus <- stri_split_fixed(corpus, "\t", simplify=TRUE)
freq_dist <- tibble(
  POS=stri_sub(corpus[, 3], from=1, to=1),
  LEMMA=corpus[, 2]
) %>%
  group_by(POS, LEMMA) %>%

diff <- Sys.time() - start
cat(sprintf("Finished processing corpus after %g %s.\n", diff, units(diff)))

Let me say at the outset that this code looks much nicer -- it's clean, modern R, made possible in great part by Hadley Wickham's efforts to redesign the data manipulation vocabulary from the ground up. Note also that we've made a concession on our requirements: the resulting data structure is a tibble, not a hash, i.e. key lookup time is not constant but depends on the size of the data.

Well, just loading the corpus into memory took ~18 minutes. The script then ran for several days, in the course of which I checked every now and then to see how much memory it was using: ~35 GB. I don't suppose anyone has that much RAM on their laptop. Then someone rebooted the server before the program could complete. I think you'll agree the experiment is conclusive even so.

  1. You could also offload the decompression to a different thread in the same process, but that complicates the implementation. Piping gives you parallelization basically for free. 


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